This office building belongs to a family-run business. One can embrace the contemporary sophistication and cultural diversity of this office space, carefully designed to cater to the needs of a modern family office. The judicious mix of materials has richly added layers and textures to the space, which extends into the choice of furniture, furnishings and artwork. The exquisite collection of traditional Indian art and decor, including Pichhwai artworks, Prabhavalis, and wooden carvings, intricate metal jalis, and traditional theekri art creates a statement for a truly unique office space.The building facade showcases a connection to the roots of Rajasthan through its architecture and materials. During our design process, we discovered that our client enjoys the affluence of art and craftsmanship, and the warmth of local materials. It was a humble opportunity to conceptualize the space with an artistic inclination to the vernacular stones and artworks. Kotawala's office is a workplace that blends tradition with modernity, providing the perfect transitional setting for productivity, creativity, and collaboration.

Project Name: Kotawala's office

Client Name: Amit Kotawala

Location: Jaipur, Rajasthan , , Rajasthan

Type: Commercial & Retail

Design Ethos: Eclectic / Ethnic

Our Service: Architectural / Interiors & Décor

Status: Completed

Total Area: 10000sq.ft.